Sunday, May 20, 2018

Chemistry Week Two

Well, I am trying not communicate a lot with my car and use public service instead, when I go to the market I carry my own cart and do not take any bag to put my grocery on it, I am using LED light and try to keep my trash as low as I can. I believe that government should invest in public services that are working with electricity.

Evo-Devo: Evolutionary Developmental Biology

I thought maybe you like it:)

Biology Week Two

 Post your thoughts on Evo-Devo:

It is hard to believe this theory, to me I need more evidence to accept all life on Earth came from a common ancestor, I believe that maybe our genes are coming from an ancestor but not believe that  all  ancestors  have common had the exact same genes we see today in all of our modern species,I think that  maybe one animal has responsibility for our genes and not all of them. I should say that I am not 100% sure and if this theory is correct it is amazing and unbelievable.

 Research synesthesia and report on your findings:

well still when I remember it , it makes me so sad, my grandmother, when she was a child, got sick and lost her eyes, she died when I was young but can remember how she was able to use her other sensation to cover her weakness about her blind problem,and she was doing well. So I completely agree with this theory since I have been a witness to it.

Physics Week Two

 1.Your reflections on Uncertainty
well It was a new concept for me and it took me a lot of time to try understanding about such as position x and momentum which it was very an interesting subject ,but still it is not easy to explain it but it was wonderful that who weight can play as a fast or slow rules on it.

2.Your comments on Causality:
well if  I understand it correctly  casualty is the  is the relationship between causes and effects the idea that events in the present are caused by events in the past and, in turn, act as causes for what happens in the future

3. Is the Universe weird?
I believe when we do not understand something we think that it is weird, I believe we do not know anything about the universe so that is why we think it is weird. To me, it is not weird, and we should try to learn more about it.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

chemistry week two

This African factory turns  trash into Energy, clean water, and bricks.

Chemistry week two

I post it here because I thought you should watch it, we do not need a bottle anymore to drink water, hope you like it:)

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Chemistry Week One Quiz Answers

1. Classify the following as either a chemical or physical change:

The burning of a substance is a chemical change.

The crushing of a rock is a physical change.

Dissolving sugar in water is physical change

 The rusting of Iron is chemical change.

2. Classify the following as to whether or not they are pure substances or mixtures:

Milk is a mixture.

Table salt is actually a mixture. 

Sugar is typically a pure substance.

Steel is a homogeneous mixture of iron and carbon.

3. A cup of black coffee is considered to be __?__ and a/an __?__ substance:

 Homogeneous. Impure

4. The boiling of water is considered to be a __?__ change and the temperature at which water boils is considered to be a __?__ property:


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Physics week1

I believe that depend on what part of the world you are living you can change the speed of time and the culture of that area can affect the time as well. For example I was living in middle east for a long time and I visited some countries there as well,I have noticed that countries that have more develope economy are more active and time is money there and people should work hard to be able to make money,but in fewer developing countries people are not doing much and spend most of the time hanging out with freindsand they do not think that time is money so  besicly time is not an important factor there and they are controling their own time unlike develop countries where the time has control on you.we can control and slow time down if we are living in fewer developing countries but in countries like The U.S. it is not possible I beleive because wasting time or not keeping up with time can cost you money and other stuff that comes with losing money so here we have to let time have controll on us.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Biology week 1 What Exactly is the "Nocebo" effect?

I did some research and I found this definition on Wikipedia which to me has the best definition:The term nocebo (Latin nocēbō, "I shall harm", from noceō, "I harm") was coined by Walter Kennedy in 1961 to denote the counterpart to the use of placebo (Latin placēbō, "I shall please", from placeō, "I please"; a substance that may produce a beneficial, healthful, pleasant, or desirable effect). I noticed that unlike Placebo that is about having a good feeling after using a placebo, after using real medicine drugs most of the time you will get other side effects that could bring new problems to your body such as a headache, dizziness or nausea which I personally have experienced them all. If I want to explain it in my own language nocebo effect could be any bad feeling that you will have after using chemical medicine.

About Me

Hi everyone

my name is Mohsen Barghandan and  I am living in the bay area , I have two bachelor degree in marine biology and web design and master degree in multimedia and communication. I choose this degree because I realized how is important to treat people problems with organic material instead of chemical drugs after I had experience with both. I am looking forward to learning more about you:)