Thursday, May 10, 2018

Biology week 1 What Exactly is the "Nocebo" effect?

I did some research and I found this definition on Wikipedia which to me has the best definition:The term nocebo (Latin nocēbō, "I shall harm", from noceō, "I harm") was coined by Walter Kennedy in 1961 to denote the counterpart to the use of placebo (Latin placēbō, "I shall please", from placeō, "I please"; a substance that may produce a beneficial, healthful, pleasant, or desirable effect). I noticed that unlike Placebo that is about having a good feeling after using a placebo, after using real medicine drugs most of the time you will get other side effects that could bring new problems to your body such as a headache, dizziness or nausea which I personally have experienced them all. If I want to explain it in my own language nocebo effect could be any bad feeling that you will have after using chemical medicine.


  1. You have described a great way to differentiate the placebo and nocebo effects. I think it hints at the methodology of how scientific studies are performed and how could we improve the validity of these studies. Especially since scientific studies are the cornerstone of western medicine deeming a practice/medicine as credible or not.

  2. Thank You for your comment and time:)
